Friday 24 April 2015

LO2 - Pitch Evaluation

Presentation Slides:

Questionnaire link:

Evaluating and reviewing the Analysis:
2 Strengths -
+ A general(?) idea that works
+ Style of photography chosen fits the theme of identity I am planning to do

3 Improvements -
*To be able to correctly choose what photography techniques would best suit the concept.
***Think about the locations I will be using.
**I need to be able to create the correct connotations and representations of time to fit my theme of identity.

Next steps based on improvements -
- Find out what locations I will be using.
- Plan the way my photos will appear in terms of what elements will be involved.
- Find a series of buildings that contrast each other in terms of time and how it appears.
- Choose which form of architecture I will be focusing on in terms of what type of building I will be using. An example of two contrasting building would be: a high-rise to a bungalow.

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